Journey America Part 2
Cervantes 03.08.17
On a gorgeous Friday morning I rode out of Chimpay.
Unfortunately the road south was covered with large rocks. Making my horses already sore front feet even worse.
Every time one of them missed a step due to a jagged rock that made contact with their frog or hoof, it seemed like I could feel their pain. Cringing from atop the saddle with worry, I tried to guide them towards places that had less stones but it seemed impossible. They were everywhere.
It was late afternoon by the time I arrived in Cervantes, and I knew I needed to do something. There was no way I could continue like this.
I sent a message to Jason Thomson, a close friend and Farrier from Ontario, Canada and asked him what I should do. Jason, an experienced farrier and horseman, told me that in Canada I could buy a special pad to put in between the horse’s’ hoof and shoe, but that in Argentina it would be hard to find – impossible to find. But he had an alternative. Jason told me to find a thick leather pad and to put it in between the bottom of the horse’s front hooves and the shoes. And then to fill the part between the hoof and the leather pad with silicone.
I found a farrier and the day after I arrived in Cervantes I did just as Jason said, hoping it would help us continue our journey.
While in Cervantes I was hosted by an amazing man and an even better jinete! My host Walter had won many prizes and while we waited for the farrier to arrive, he showed me his many photos riding broncos all over the country.
“I retired last year but I miss it so much, this is how I supported my family for many years” he told me.
Now, his son, only 11-years-old is starting his career as a jinete as well. Making dad extremely proud.
“I worry about him because I know how dangerous the sport is, but if it’s what he wants to do, I support him.”
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@OrganikHipHop @TheSaurus831 @alexktwist @KingOfTheDot @RuinYourDayNow @NinoBless @GullyTK @regokotd This will be a banger 🔥
“Temos sérias preocupações de que o PL 2630 mude a internet que você conhece para pior e limite a inovação, a liberdade de expressão e a geração de oportunidades econômicas para todos os brasileiros.” Google Brasil #MaisDebatePL2630
RT @portolandia E, sem spoilers, o final deixa um gostinho de 'quero mais', esperando que as duas etapas seguintes — que ele já fez, indo do Alaska até Calgary e de Barretos até Ushuaia — também sejam registrados em todo seu esplendor.