Journey America Part 2

Tres Valles

After the lonely road to Rio Pico, the universe gave us an amazing present!
When we arrived to “Tres Valles,” ranch and fishing lodge, we hadn’t showered for days and slept in a real bed for weeks. We were more than ready for a rest. And when I rode into the beautiful ranch, I almost exploded with happiness.
Fat red angus cows grazed in the tall grass while Sapo, Picasso and I rode down the long driveway towards the main home. Guille Etchebarne welcomed me outside of her home with a strong hug.
“My husband will be here soon but you guys make yourself at home! We have prepared the lodge for you two to rest and you can stay as long as you need,” she said opening a wide smile on my face.
We turned the horses out in a beautiful pasture and took our things to the lodge. We were in heaven. The cozy home had a fireplace, 4 bedrooms, a stunning living room with a gorgeous view of the ranch, and most importantly, a shower with warm water. After taking a three hour shower, Toti and I went outside to drink mate with Guille and eat some torta fritas. While we sat on the front lawn, her husband, Simon arrived with their 5 children.
I have met a lot of families since leaving Canada, but I must say, Simon and Guille and their kids stole my heart. If there was ever a perfect family, they would take the prize. The kids are absolutely adorable, extremely polite and little Gauchos. They grew up riding horses, working cattle and sheep. They are so ranchy!!!
While we rested with them, we had the opportunity of helping the kids cut the tails of their sheep! Every year they do this to the young animals to keep the wool clean when they go to the bathroom.
“The kids run the sheep operation and I simply give them a hand,” Simon told me with proud eyes.
After the tails had been cut, the kids placed them on the fire and after a few minutes, pulled the burned wool off and proceeded to eat the meat. They sucked on the white bone after eating all of the meat as if it was liquorish.
On our final day at the ranch Simon made a delicious BBQ for us in the middle of the woods. We ate, drank beers, played with the kids and shared stories. It was the greatest afternoon ever.
I can’t thank this beautiful family enough for hosting us so well. We felt like we were at a spa while resting at Tres Valles.

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