Journey America


In front of me is the bluest ocean I have ever laid eyes on. Shades of turquoise slowly turn to navy blue as the water meets the sky far off in the horizon. The sand is as white as the clouds. As I float in a giant swimming pool I watch some of my best friends laughing in the distance. Am I in heaven?

Close, I am in Cancun, one of the most beautiful places on earth.

After one year in the saddle, some of my closest friends and their parents gave me a 5 day stay on the beach to celebrate my accomplishment! I have the best friends in the world. Alongside Terry Indellicato, Dave Hall, Matthew Mazzaferro, Eric Roberts, Kyle Kellet, and Jeremy Arseneau, I had the time of my life.

“I cant believe I am looking at you right now brother,” Terry said to me as we separated from a long hug.

I cant express how nice it was to see these guys and how much energy they gave me.

“I tell everyone back home about your trip Filipe and they cannot believe just how far you have gotten already,” Matthew said.

Before meeting up with the boys I got a chance to see Chichen Itza – one of the largest Maya cities in the Americas. It is by far the most impresive pre-columbian site I have ever seen. The pyramids and ruins are gigantic and every stone has a story to tell.

The Castillo Temple, the largest pyramid on site is full of extraordinary details. When you clap your hands directly in front of it, the call of a Quetzal, the Maya`s sacred bird, can be Heard from the top. It’s unbelievable and that’s not all these architectural masterminds pulled off . On the spring and autumn equinoxes, the northwest corner of the building casts a shadow on the staircase that make it look like a serpent is moving down the pyramid. It is said that the design was created to represent the feathered-serpent god Kukulcan.

The city also has an observatory from where astronomers would study space and a Ballcourt where the Maya`s played the Mesoamerican ballgame. A racquetball style game that often featured human sacrifice.

From Chichen Itza I made my way to Tulum where I got a chance to see more ruins. Although they dont compare to Chichen Itza in size, these ruins are located right on the caribbean sea, making for a breathtaking views. The walled city once served as a major port for Coba, another Maya city.

After a great vacation full of history and close friends, I am ready to ride the last 400 kms of Mexico. Guatemala here I come!

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