After a wonderful stay with the Salguero family I made my way with only one horse towards Rio Dulce. The river which opens up into the Caribbean Sea is home to the largest bridge in Central America. Due to its length of almost 1 kilometer, I was advised by my new friends to only ride one horse across. Since Misael Hernandez Flores was going to transport Bruiser to Rio Dulce, he also offered to pick up Frenchie and haul both horses to the Finca where we will rest.
Together, my little mustang and I trekked all day until we arrived in the town of Fronteras. That’s when I thanked the heavens for taking my friend’s advice. With stores and open markets on both sides, I rode down a very narrow street full of chaos and traffic. People stared up at me like, “oh no you are not going to cross the bridge horseback.” I simply smiled.
From the middle of the one street town, I began to see the monster bridge. At 88 feet high it was built in 1977 and today serves as a major connector between northern Guatemala and Honduras. The border sits only 60 kms from here.
As I slowly made my way up the bridge my heart began to beat faster and faster. I didn’t think I would get nervous but as you start to look over the edge and see boats that look like mere toys underneath, you begin to understand just how high you are. The trucks and cars flying by didn’t help.
Luckily I have the best mustang in the world and Dude kept his cool and trusted me the entire time. We even stopped at the top to take a photo.
I’m so proud of Dude and so thankful for his hard work. Together we became the first Cowboy and Mustang to ever ride cross the largest bridge in Central America!