Journey America

New Country. New Horse. New Rider.

After 2000 miles, five states, and too many horseshoes to count, Journey America has concluded its ride through The United States of America.

This past Monday, joined by 10 cowboys and cowgirls from the US, Canada and the 6 Nations, I rode into Presidio, Texas. The ride titled, “60 miles to mexico,” was a celebration of the past 6 months on the road and the Horse. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to share this amazing moment with – Emma Brazier, Neta Rhyne, Darrel Rhyne, Trent Ragland, Gary D. Farmer, Deborah Lamal, Karen Hardy, Olivia Hardy and Margo Gulbranson. All extraordinary people who have helped me get to where I am today! I can’t thank them enough.

Karen Hardy and her daughter Olivia hauled 7 horses from New Mexico just for the ride. The two cowgirls drove through rain, snow and even dealt with a motel robbery to get to Marfa where we began our trek. They are cowgirls who don’t know the meaning of the word quit. And within the next few months they will show the world their resiliency. The two are planning to ride horseback across Europe to raise awareness to the plight of horses in “todays disposable society.” I am super excited to follow Journey Europe! It’s really cool to see a project stem out of Journey America.

At the end of our ride I experienced one of the saddest moments of the trip so far. It was time to say goodbye to Texas. Since he was donated to me in Wyoming he has been a great horse and I will never forget him. But very early on I realized he wasn’t the right horse for the job. Every night I could see how tired he was while Bruiser and Frenchie were ready to keep going. When I told Karen Hardy that I was looking for a good home for him she immediately offered to take him to her Ranch in New Mexico. Having seen the amazing state her horses are in, I knew this would be a great place for him to grow old. If this wasn’t enough, Karen also provided a trade for Texas – a 9-year-old Mustang from the Taos Pueblo by the name of Dude. This little guy is stocky and extremely smart. His wild instinct will be an asset for the trip and I am super excited to get to know him these next few months. Once again, I cant thank Karen enough for her generosity and support. I am so lucky to have met her.

The addition of Dude to the team is just one of to the many changes Journey America is experiencing with the new year. My girlfriend Emma who has been my rock these past few months has headed back to Canada. It was very sad to see her leave after everything we have faced on the road. It was thanks to her that we were able to keep moving through a the drought the US faced this summer. This journey is as much hers as it is mine and I can’t wait for her to be back with the horses and I soon!

Enough sad news! As I enter Mexico, I will be joined by the man whom I inherited this dream from. That’s right, my father Luis Leite will be joining me for a few months as we ride towards Guatemala. I am so excited to ride with my dad! My hope is that together we will be able to complete 1,000 miles in Mexico so he will become a member of the Long Riders Guild. It is because of my father that I am on this journey so to have him be apart of it is full circle.

Next week we will be in Mexico… Stay tuned for the many adventures to come!


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