July 8 2012 – July 8 2013
After an entire year on the road with my ponies, I have ridden more than 4,000 miles through 3 countries in North America. Canada, the United States and now Mexico, 3 of the largest countries I will cross, can be checked off the list.
There is only one word to describe this past year – adventure. Everyday of the past 365, has offered a new surprise or lesson. Most days I awake not knowing where I will sleep that night. Some, I sleep not knowing if I am safe. The essentials are not always available but adrenaline can certainly be found. My bed is my saddle blankets and my alarm clock are my horses. I have cried, laughed and felt like “this could be the end,” many times. This past year has been the hardest of my entire life, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I have learned so much. Made so many friends. Fallen in love with these horses. I am so proud of my beautiful horses who have shown me just how powerful and resilient these animals are. I would not be here if it wasn’t for Frenchie, Bruiser and Dude! I also need to thank Texas and General Cuencame who were an important part of the trip when we needed help. These animals are my best friends and my kids. I owe them my life.
Before leaving Canada a lot of people shut the door on my face and called me crazy when I told them what I was about to do. It was only a handful of individuals and organizations who offered a hand. I will never forget them!
I would not be about to enter Guatemala right now if it wasn’t for my sponsors and supporters. I would like to say a huge thank you to – OutWildTV, Copper Spring Ranch, Stan Weaver Quarter Horses, The Long Riders Guild, Mellohawk, Circulo R Selas, Os Independentes, Oriana Financial, Thomson Equine, SPOT, Radade, Agabe Boots and Gold Meat. I also need to acknowledge the many private funders who got this dream off the ground. Without you, I would have never left Calgary 🙂
I also need to thank my friends and family for being so patient with me and allowing me to follow this crazy dream. Your support and love has fueled me more than you will ever know.
Emma Brazier, Jason Thomson, Brian Anderson, the “60 miles to Mexico crew”, Juan Vidal and my father, Luis Leite deserve a huge thank you for joining me on the road and roughing it out Journey America style. We are so much closer thanks to this experience. I am so lucky to have traveled with my father 1000 miles horseback! I inherited this dream from him and having him ride with me was a full circle.
I also need to thank my best friends from Canada who not only paid for me to vacation in Cancun, but also met me there. They also organized a fundraiser last Christmas in Canada for the journey. I am blessed by the people around me.
To the strangers the road has now made my brothers and sisters, thank you very much – Muchas Gracias por todo. I have been helped by hundreds if not thousands of beautiful human beings this past year. People who were willing to open their homes to a stranger. I love humanity and I love the fact that we still trust one another. We will never be turned into robots as long as our hearts continue to beat.
I am super excited to enter Central America and start this final year of my journey home. Make sure you come a long for the ride.
Be sure to check out the one-year recap video of Journey America here: http://www.outwildtv.com/expeditions/journey-america/dispatches