Journey America

Parallels of a Dream

I set out on Journey America because of one story – Tschiffely’s Ride. My father told me about the 10,000 mile equestrian voyage from Buenos Aires to New York while I was still a young boy. The saga never left my mind and inspired me to attempt this 16,000 km ride home!

When Tschiffely set out on his ride almost 100 years ago, the world was a completely different place. Roads looked more like trails. Cars were few and far between, and seeing a man traveling horseback was still the norm.

That was 1925. Today, cars plague our massive highways and being seen riding a horse from point A to B is just plain “Crazy.”

As I ride through the southern part of Wyoming, I have to say this has been my favorite section of the trip thus far. Although Tschiffely and I jumped into the saddle at completely different times, the past few weeks have drawn many parallels between our rides.

For the past year I have studied the Swiss school teacher’s book, “Tschiffely’s Ride,” as Catholics do the bible. Within its pages, there is one particular picture that always stood out to me.

This shot of Tschiffely leading his pack-horse, Gato, over a suspension bridge set my imagination loose. I would stare at it and imagine how nervous the horse and rider must have been as the bridge swayed with every step. I love this photo.

Well, while crossing Yellowstone Park I found myself inside that picture. As I led my own pack horse, Frenchie, over that suspension bridge I had a feeling of Deja vu. And rightly so. I had played out this scene in my head a million times. Now there I was, living it.

With every river, mountain and cliff I crossed in Wyoming I was reminded of a page from “Tschiffely’s Ride.” Such an amazing feeling.

Wyoming is wild, raw and stunning.

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