In Tegucigalpa I was hosted by horse vets Leo and Mario Matamoros. The father and son duo are considered Honduras’ best equine vets and have over 30 years of experience.
“My grandfather was a vet, my father is a vet and now I’m carrying the family’s name on,” Leo told me.
After having trouble with Bruiser’s back legs in the northern part of the country, I knew I needed a good vet to look at him and help me get my pony better. At AGAFAM, where Tegucigalpa’s western fair is held, the ponies rested like kings. In the day, they would eat in a large pasture while at night they rested in a comfy stall. It was the best place for them, especially for Bruiser to recuperate.
“We will begin treatment on Bruiser tomorrow,” Leo told me after looking over Bruiser’s legs and back.
Due to his legs being sore, he started walking badly and it caused his back to also get sore. According to Leo, this was now my largest problem.
“We need to get his back better or this cycle will continue,” he told me.
I felt a lot better being around Leo and his father. The past few weeks left me really worried about Bruiser. I hate seeing my kids hurt 🙁 Fingers crossed that this time off in Tegucigalpa along with the treatment offered by the Matamoros, he will be able to get back on the road.